Thursday, January 12, 2012

Is That You In This Photo? Yes. Yes It Is.

Came across this product recently. Cool concept. It's the Lytro Camera, and it will definitely revolutionize the way you dodge the ever-present snitch when you're doing what you shouldn't.

A bit unorthodox in design, but this interesting device captures all available light. It allows the user to focus on whatever they want to—after taking the picture. Guess what that means? Oh yeah.

Think your face is indistinguishable in that photo that clearly came from The Hangover? Not only are you in clear focus, but so is that tattoo Mom would kill you for.

This isn't as much of a product review as it is a very cautious musing.

For the photographer (and having an SLR doesn't automatically make you a photographer), this completely obliterates the rules of composition. This is a high-definition point-and-shoot camera that nudges the art of actually focusing on the subject into a thing of the past. I wouldn't quite call it the death-knell for professional photography, though.

For a consumer, however, this is a godsend. The intricacies of a professional camera may frustrate the average shutterbug, but deciding retroactively what the subject was can be a much better idea.

Partygoers beware. This thing just might let the folks back home know what you're really up to. Bet you thought you wouldn't be tagged in that photo, right?

This lovely, odd-shaped box is a double-edged sword for photography, but undeniably convenient. I can't say I'd get one, though. They're up for pre-order.


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