1) This woman probably isn't too concerned with her own health.
2) Likewise, she probably cares just as little about her daughter's health.
3) Doping your child with near-lethal doses of caffeine should have probably prompted child protective agencies to run right into that home and run out as fast as possible, child in tow.
I mean, listen to the girl! She doesn't even like pageants. It would be one thing if she wanted to participate, but "it's boring" can't possibly mean "yes, Mom, I'd love to live your tragically unfulfilled dreams."
"The Coupon Queen!?" Really? Not even commenting on that. Just LOOK AT ALL THAT TOILET PAPER. Why? For what earthly reason did she justify buying reckless amounts of toilet paper in bulk? For toys??
The "Diva Beauty Queen" is already shaping up to be in contention with Jersey Shore for sheer sociopathy. Her very first sound bite is a mess of poorly-chosen, heavily-drawled slang that her mother has likely pushed onto her. This poor girl, through no fault of her own, has been nearly lobotomized by levels of caffeine and sugar that could easily denote premeditated murder. Forget early-onset diabetes, she might have actually developed ADD. Just look at her go. That isn't a little girl having fun. That's a seizure.
And the producer opted to use subtitles, because
Okay, back to that house. If, for some reason, the economy collapsed, that family would be set for life.
6-year-old Alana is waltzing blissfully around the house with the grace of a crack addict and the unfettered greed of a child who doesn't know what money is, but knows that Mommy wants it.
"A dolla makes me holla, honey boo-boo." Any responsible parent who heard that from a child would be alarmed. Nobody actually wants to raise a stripper, and that sounds just like a stripper. But look at her giggle. She has no idea what she's even saying. Mom fed it to her, and she says it to look cute.
"Special juice." Any rational person would assume, right away that whiskey was somehow involved. Listen to what Alana says about "special juice." Better yet...look at how she says it. I don't care what Mom says, if your child is barely functioning without your probably-laced-with-alcohol mess, and believes she will win by using it, she'll be graduating from Kindergarten right into rehab.
"Beauty is so boring. I don't want to do it." My heart sank when I heard that. Yet, in the next scene, 3 hours of makeup and 3 lines of Mom's cocaine later, that veneered smile is ready to get out there and win Momma some money.
...And now Mom wants her to show off the effects of childhood obesity on America. And her future plans are: not school, not running a Fortune 500 company, not politics, but "couponing" just like her mother. Well done, Mother. You have spawned a child who will come to resent you between rehab stints and hustling for money.
Look at this woman again...forcing that torturous mess down her child's throat.
"It's to help her stand out." Sure, a 6-year-old with a heart attack is bound to stand out.
Listen to how Alana describes it! The stuff makes her psychotic, and she knows it.
And she doesn't even have a great base of values BECAUSE HER MOTHER DOESN'T EITHER. Alana got third place in the pageant, and she was sad because she didn't get the biggest trophy or the crown.
I have nothing against pageants. Children's pageants are a bit of a different story. These unfortunate children get to learn to be one thing for the rest of their lives: fake. I blame the mothers and their severely deranged dreams.
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